199 research outputs found

    Quantization via Mirror Symmetry

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    When combined with mirror symmetry, the A-model approach to quantization leads to a fairly simple and tractable problem. The most interesting part of the problem then becomes finding the mirror of the coisotropic brane. We illustrate how it can be addressed in a number of interesting examples related to representation theory and gauge theory, in which mirror geometry is naturally associated with the Langlands dual group. Hyperholomorphic sheaves and (B,B,B) branes play an important role in the B-model approach to quantization.Comment: 44 p

    Counting RG flows

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    Interpreting renormalization group flows as solitons interpolating between different fixed points, we ask various questions that are normally asked in soliton physics but not in renormalization theory. Can one count RG flows? Are there different "topological sectors" for RG flows? What is the moduli space of an RG flow, and how does it compare to familiar moduli spaces of (supersymmetric) dowain walls? Analyzing these questions in a wide variety of contexts --- from counting RG walls to AdS/CFT correspondence --- will not only provide favorable answers, but will also lead us to a unified general framework that is powerful enough to account for peculiar RG flows and predict new physical phenomena. Namely, using Bott's version of Morse theory we relate the topology of conformal manifolds to certain properties of RG flows that can be used as precise diagnostics and "topological obstructions" for the strong form of the C-theorem in any dimension. Moreover, this framework suggests a precise mechanism for how the violation of the strong C-theorem happens and predicts "phase transitions" along the RG flow when the topological obstruction is non-trivial. Along the way, we also find new conformal manifolds in well-known 4d CFT's and point out connections with the superconformal index and classifying spaces of global symmetry groups.Comment: 39 pages. Please, send me examples of peculiar RG flows, especially the ones which do not appear to be (ac)counted in this framewor

    Trisecting non-Lagrangian theories

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    We propose a way to define and compute invariants of general smooth 4-manifolds based on topological twists of non-Lagrangian 4d N=2 and N=3 theories in which the problem is reduced to a fairly standard computation in topological A-model, albeit with rather unusual targets, such as compact and non-compact Gepner models, asymmetric orbifolds, N=(2,2) linear dilaton theories, "self-mirror" geometries, varieties with complex multiplication, etc.Comment: 49 pages, 8 figures, 8 tables, v2: a reference adde

    K-Theory, Reality, and Orientifolds

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    We use equivariant K-theory to classify charges of new (possibly non-supersymmetric) states localized on various orientifolds in Type II string theory. We also comment on the stringy construction of new D-branes and demonstrate the discrete electric-magnetic duality in Type I brane systems with p+q=7, as proposed by Witten.Comment: 26 pages, harvmac, no figure

    Supersymmetric Spin Glass

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    The evidently supersymmetric four-dimensional Wess-Zumino model with quenched disorder is considered at the one-loop level. The infrared fixed points of a beta-function form the moduli space M=RP2M = RP^2 where two types of phases were found: with and without replica symmetry. While the former phase possesses only a trivial fixed point, this point become unstable in the latter phase which may be interpreted as a spin glass phase.Comment: latex, 8 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Exceptional knot homology

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    The goal of this article is twofold. First, we find a natural home for the double affine Hecke algebras (DAHA) in the physics of BPS states. Second, we introduce new invariants of torus knots and links called "hyperpolynomials" that address the "problem of negative coefficients" often encountered in DAHA-based approaches to homological invariants of torus knots and links. Furthermore, from the physics of BPS states and the spectra of singularities associated with Landau-Ginzburg potentials, we also describe a rich structure of differentials that act on homological knot invariants for exceptional groups and uniquely determine the latter for torus knots.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figure

    Topological Quantum Field Theory, Nonlocal Operators, and Gapped Phases of Gauge Theories

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    We revisit the role of loop and surface operators as order parameters for gapped phases of four-dimensional gauge theories. We show that in some cases surface operators are confined, and that this fact can be used to distinguish phases which are not distinguished by the Wilson-'t Hooft criterion. The long-distance behavior of loop and surface operators which are neither confined nor screened is controlled by a 4d TQFT. We construct these TQFTs for phases which are characterized by the presence of electrically and/or magnetically charged condensates. Interestingly, the TQFT describing a phase with a nonabelian monopole condensate is based on the theory of nonabelian gerbes. We also show that in phases with a dyonic condensate the low-energy theta-angle is quantized.Comment: 10 pages, late

    Matrix Factorizations and Kauffman Homology

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    The topological string interpretation of homological knot invariants has led to several insights into the structure of the theory in the case of sl(N). We study possible extensions of the matrix factorization approach to knot homology for other Lie groups and representations. In particular, we introduce a new triply graded theory categorifying the Kauffman polynomial, test it, and predict the Kauffman homology for several simple knots.Comment: 45 pages, harvma

    Quantum Field Theory and the Volume Conjecture

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    The volume conjecture states that for a hyperbolic knot K in the three-sphere S^3 the asymptotic growth of the colored Jones polynomial of K is governed by the hyperbolic volume of the knot complement S^3\K. The conjecture relates two topological invariants, one combinatorial and one geometric, in a very nonobvious, nontrivial manner. The goal of the present lectures is to review the original statement of the volume conjecture and its recent extensions and generalizations, and to show how, in the most general context, the conjecture can be understood in terms of topological quantum field theory. In particular, we consider: a) generalization of the volume conjecture to families of incomplete hyperbolic metrics; b) generalization that involves not only the leading (volume) term, but the entire asymptotic expansion in 1/N; c) generalization to quantum group invariants for groups of higher rank; and d) generalization to arbitrary links in arbitrary three-manifolds.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures; acknowledgements update